Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not "One of those Days"

I slept in.  I can't seem to get my internal clock readjusted after our trip to Utah.

"Princess" is doing her school work and I'm teaching her.

"Jack-Jack" is whining and crying that "red bird" is lost.  He is hopelessly addicted to his angry bird collection and if one is lost, life stops until it is found.  "Peter Pan" helps him look for a while but has his own school work to do.

"Peter Pan" goes to get the mail. "Jack-Jack" tries to follow, leaves the door open and the dog escapes.

I get "Princess" started on something she can do by herself and search the entire house and car for Red Bird with a whining, crying "Jack-Jack" following saying "where is red bird" he has almost decided he left it at the store (which would be a tragedy.)

"Peter Pan" gets back with the mail and "Jack-Jack" tears open all of the junk mail.

I walk through the living room and inadvertently discover red bird behind some boxes nearly under the couch.  I then realize that the dog hasn't been following me this whole time so "Peter Pan" goes out looking for him.

"Jack-Jack" is hungry and needs a snack.  I get it for him.

"Peter Pan" comes in carrying a very wet muddy dog.  We don't have time to bathe him now so he has to be locked in the kennel from which he wines and barks.

I try to finish up "Princesses" schooling as I have an appointment.  I smell something so I ask "Jack-Jack" if he is stinky.  He says "No but I'm wet" I go to change his underpants and discover that he is indeed stinky so now there is another mess to clean.  (He's 4 1/2 when will he "get it" and be potty trained?)

Yes, this is what happened here in a 30 min time span.  Is it just one of those days?  No, craziness happens on a daily basis here.  Our homeschool is aptly named because we seem to always be in C.H.A.O.S.!

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