Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hair, make-up and "looking married"

I had my hair cut today.  I never know how to get it cut because mostly I don't care.  I can never get my hair to look like I want it to look.  I also have no patience.  If I can't do my hair in ten minutes or less it's not getting done.  The hair dresser cut my hair and then styled it.  She also straightened it.  I don't have any idea how they do that.  I try and try at home and it still will look frizzy.  This lady was a nice Korean lady. I think she told me to put Silk Oil on my hair.  I don't even know what silk oil is.  As she was cutting my hair she told me that I should wear make-up.  She said I'd look prettier with make-up. I guess I could have been offended by this but she was right. And I do wear make-up sometimes...but again...not something I like to spend a lot of time on and even when I do I can't get the look I want.  It's hard to make my face look like a super model's.

I remember when I was in college and as our friends got married, my roommates and I would say "Yup, she is looking married." Meaning we could tell when the married friend started to worry less what she looked like.  Being the idealistic girl I was I swore that I would never "look married."  Well, as my mother likes to remind me quite often, I definitely "look married" most of the time.  Trying to put on make-up and doing hair gets exponentially harder the more kids you have in the bathroom trying on your lipstick and unrolling the toilet paper.  And then you have to come up with creative answers when they start asking questions about the feminine products they find under the sink. So I will admit that unless I set the alarm for 5:00 a.m. I'm probably going to spend the day "looking married."

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