Tuesday, March 29, 2011


     I had an epiphany.  No, three wise men from the East didn't visit me...it wasn't that kind of epiphany.  It was an insight into my personality and I thought I'd share it. Here it --
I am not a patient person.

     Oh, I know. A lot of people have told me I'm patient.  I thought I was patient.  I even act patient but I am not patient.
     A long time ago when my big kids were little, I was on the phone with someone.  We were chatting nicely when suddenly she broke off, screeched at her children and continued chatting as if nothing had happened.  I was in total shock.  And it was a wake up call as to what I might sound like, sometimes, as I had been guilty of screeching at my children.  So I decided then and there that I would not screech or scream and although I've broken this resolution a time or two (grin, wink) I try to speak to my children in a calm voice.  Appearing patient, however is not patience.  Yes, I repeatedly ask my children to do things.  I wait, apparently calm, for them to do these things, I listen to excuses, I have discussions, I try to use long persuasion.  But inside I am furious.  Inside I am screaming.  Inside I want to get big sticks and hit everyone.
     So, I am not patient.  I don't think being good at bottling the anger is true patience.  I think true patience is in reality being as calm as you appear.  The other day when I told the Princess to be patient I explained to her that being patient was waiting with a good attitude.  I need to work on that myself, waiting with a good attitude.
     I am hoping that some of you will have great insights into how I can gain true patience.  And I can stop being a big bottle full of pent up anger.

1 comment:

  1. Well as much as I agree that bottling anger up inside is not the answer, I also believe in the philosophy fake it til you make it. And maybe making it may not come to the 2nd coming for some of us, but at least you give it a good shot at faking it for now. I'm sure my mother faked a lot of her patience with me, but I certainly learned a lot from her fake patience.
