Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Three year Old Photographer.

I love digital cameras.  When my older kids were little they always wanted to take pictures.  And sometimes if had a little extra in the budget I'd let them take a couple of pictures.  I hated to pay for film and developing for the kind of pictures they'd take. 

But digital camera's are great.  I try to keep mine away from the little ones but every once in a while "Jack-Jack" get a hold of it and when I upload my photo's I have a lot of very interesting pictures.  Usually I just delete them but I thought I'd share a few with you.

 This one is of spilled bird seed on our back patio.
 This one is either his shirt or his eye.  Sometimes he thinks you look through the lens instead of the view finder.
 This is his shirt and foot.  Looking down.
A self portrait?

Do you think he has potential?

1 comment:

  1. I think he definitely has potential. Just needs to play more often with your camera. :)
