Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hot Pockets Again?

I don't know what it is about spring but the nutrition at our house goes right out the window.  Maybe it's the great weather. Maybe it's that I've been cooking every night throughout the winter and I'm tired of cooking.  Or maybe it's all of the spring activities. But every year about this time, dinner time really sufferes.

A few years ago we had a "Hot Pocket Spring"  I think we went though a box of 12 every couple of days.  One year, we had egg sandwiches every other day.  And this year is turning out to be a "fix it yourself or starve" kind of year. 

Do any of the rest of you suffer from the "Can't seem to cook in the Springtime" syndrome? And if so, how to you combat the urge to eat junk?

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